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A New Adventure in Blogging Begins!


Hello nediunedited people!

This is my beautiful daughter, Désirée Genevieve Taylor.  After years of misinformed and misunderstood patterns, Vieve was diagnosed with ADHD with the subtype Predominantly Inattentive (PI), which was formally known as ADD, since the Hyperactivity aspect of the disorder is missing.

Now attending her third year at Texas State University, the few skills and strategies I was able to give her (inadvertently, by the way) were no longer enough to help her overcome her deficiencies.   The fact that I have a rare neurological disorder (Hemiplegic Migraines), that was worsening for a while, did not allow me to aid her as much as I had done in the past and she started to struggle.  Spring of 2013 was rough.  But, I am glad because it led to the testing (with modifications in place for the new semester) and now the answers to so many questions.

Unfortunately, there were a lot more questions than answers when it came to her diagnosis.  The predominantly inattentive type of ADHD has only a little research documented and might be a complete, separate disorder.  Dr. Russell Barkley is one of the clinical professors  at the moment, leading the crusade to understand this quiet side of ADHD.  The name Sluggish Cognitive Tempo (SCT) is now being attached to the disorder, but again, there is not much out there about it.

This lack of information has led to my new adventure in blogging.  I am taking my search to understand this disorder, my need to find tools and skills to teach my daughter and I am going to share it on a blog.

Here it is!   Although, it is very bare bones at the moment:

The Predominantly Inattentive Life

As my energy and time can only be split up so many ways–I am going to take a hiatus from nediunedited–I know am not as prolific as some of you guys, but now I may only write a review here and there.  All my attention is going to be on finding a community of support out there for the PI subtype and sharing what I find with that community.  Maybe together we can change the ignored status of SCT.

The next few months are going to be interesting, enlightening and hard work for both my daughter and I.  And yet, we are excited and ready to delve into it.  Already, her life is different just knowing and having an explanation for how her mind works.   Vieve is intelligent and creative–up to this point in her life she has felt limited and trapped by her mental restrictions.  Not anymore.  With effort and time, she will be able to finally meet her full potential.  That is our goal.

I wanted to thank all you.  I started this blog thinking I would only be writing for myself and my daughter.  😀  Now, I have found a group of blog friends and have been lucky enough to grow a little following.  It was been so much fun to talk about movies and share my love for storytelling with you all!   I know my new blog will not be about films but you are all welcome to stop by, say hi and visit.  I promise to keep reading your posts and I will comment to say hello.  And hopefully, in a year or so–I might be back full time.

Take care everyone!  Wishing you all nothing but the best.

Later!  😉

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